Texas 8-1-1: Check Before You Dig
Whether you’re planting a tree or building an office tower, you first must check the location of gas lines and other vital utilities.
Building Permits & Inspections

Permit Application are accessible online or available at La Vernia City Hall


Who is the plan review company? Bureau Veritas

Who is the field Inspection Company? Bureau Veritas

What are my Permit Application Fees? It varies depending on what you are doing. If you have questions concerning total amounts please call City Hall for an exact amount.

What are my Impact Fees? It depends on the year your property was platted.   

2023- New adopted Impact Fees 

What building code year is La Vernia using? City of La Vernia is presently using the 2018 International Building and 2017 National Electric Code. If there are any questions, a copy of all city ordinances and a copy of the I.B.C are located in City Hall. And Here 

Who do I contact for fire related Permits? You will contact the permit office at City Hall

Who do I contact for fire inspections? Wilson ESD 1, here

What fire code year are you on? IFC 2021

Are you building in a flood zone? 

You'll need this document 

And please reference the FEMA flood map look-up on the left of this page


Permit Application Fees

Contractor Registration Form 

Commercial Building Packet

Residential Building Packet


Contractor registration fees:
Initial/yearly renewal - $100.00 (Master plumbers and electricians are exempt from the fee but still required to provide the requested documentation).

Please note: State Legislation exempts the trades with state licenses from paying registration fees; however, EVERY trade will be required to complete and return the Contractors License Application, provide license(s) and insurance renewals:

Some examples of state license holders (but not limited to) are:

1. Plumbing Contractors - (Senate Bill 1354, Effective 09-01-2009)
2. Fire Alarm/Sprinkler Contractors
3. Electrical Contractors

The basic concept to keep in mind during the construction process is getting an inspection BEFORE anything is covered.

  • Placing concrete, brick or sheet-rock
  • Covering electrical, plumbing, mechanical work or fire-sprinkler system
  • Covering insulation
  • Covering floor and wall framing
  • Commercial kitchen hoods and fire suppression systems (fire inspector on staff at City Hall)

These inspections are required to insure that the construction process is proceeding accordingly to the accepted plans and that all current code standards are being met. 

What is an Addition?: Any construction work done to the main building that results in the addition of square footage to the footprint of the house. Additions could be carports, covered patios, sunroom, bedroom are any other room enclosed or open that is attached to the main structure.

What is a Remodel?:Any interior or exterior construction work to the main structure such as moving walls, replacing windows, any major electrical, plumbing, and/or mechanical work. 

What is an Accessory Building?

Accessory use or building means a use or building on the same lot with,
subordinate to and detached from the main building and used for purposes customarily incidental to the
primary use of the premises.

 Residential Addition/Remodel Application

Residential Accessory Building

General Permitting Procedure: 

Fill out application including:



Type of permit (New Build, Electrical, Plumbing, Mechanical)

Description of work (What are you going to be doing? Water heater, installing a new HVAC, service change, etc.?)

Applicant's signature

Pay city permit fee.

Application will be submitted for plan review at BV at 877-837-8859

Applicant will be issued an approved building permit


 *** It is the CONTRACTORS responsibility to schedule all inspections at least 24 hours in advance to ensure an inspection for the following business day. 

Certificate of Occupancy:

This is new tenants that want to occupy an existing building.  Follow same as for above using Certificate of Occupancy application.  Someone with City needs to check to make sure that the kind of business they are wanting to open meets city zoning requirements.

Certificate of Occupancy